The Adventures of a Cancer Mom! Have you ever been so scared that you sucked in your breath and held it, well I feel as if I am still holding that first breath.
Christian and I (Sarah) are the parents of a 4 yr. old, beautiful, sweet boy named Sven who was diagnosed with Leukemia on 4.19.09. Immediately we started chemotherepy treatment for Sven with the Pediatric Oncology Center @ Stony Brook University Hospital on Long Island, NY. I will outline some highs and lows and most of all type some frustrations away :-)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
We had a blast at the Professional Bull Riders Event at MSG in NYC on Friday Jan. 8. Thank you to Lauren @ SB for having Believe in Tomorrow Children’s Foundation contact us. They arranged for our tickets and the behind the scenes tour for Sven. The Pro Bull Riders that we met are amazing people, Mike Lee & Wiley Peterson they gave so much of their time for Sven and he cheered for them all the way!!!!
I am Sven's Mom Sarah! I am trying to get through these days, and months and years (almost 1) of my son's cancer diagnosis. Most days are still sad but I try and keep my chin up because I take keeping this family healthy and happy seriously. My husband is my rock and Sven is my light. I still cry daily though now when I feel it coming I hide in the bathroom with the door locked I think Sven worries for me too much, his heart is soooo big!
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