Christian and I (Sarah) are the parents of a 4 yr. old, beautiful, sweet boy named Sven who was diagnosed with Leukemia on 4.19.09. Immediately we started chemotherepy treatment for Sven with the Pediatric Oncology Center @ Stony Brook University Hospital on Long Island, NY. I will outline some highs and lows and most of all type some frustrations away :-)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New week

OK, with the crappy week of clinic, increased dosage chemo, spinal tap week over Sven and I both woke up with smiles on our faces. He is so my little warrior and doesn’t seem to even remember the mess of what last week was like. We are having a quiet day at home, well quiet meaning no appointments. I just arranged for him to have a babysitter on Friday night so that Christian and I can go have dinner or at least a glass of wine together, I really miss him and it's funny that I say that because we are in the same house all night. Sven really takes over Christian at night he is making the move from Mama to Papa he runs to Christian as soon as the door opens and has his plans for the night all set. I guess that is a happy balance I am the rock when it is medicine, procedure, doctor time and then Christian is like the Play therapist at night. It's all good we have a pretty good set-up just have to figure in those few hours a week of alone time for me and Christian :-). We are also looking forward to a fund raiser for Sven's buddy from the clinic, same cancer and just about same age us cancer mom's have to support each other!

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