Christian and I (Sarah) are the parents of a 4 yr. old, beautiful, sweet boy named Sven who was diagnosed with Leukemia on 4.19.09. Immediately we started chemotherepy treatment for Sven with the Pediatric Oncology Center @ Stony Brook University Hospital on Long Island, NY. I will outline some highs and lows and most of all type some frustrations away :-)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Can anyone answer this? When does the hurting I feel go away? I just had to report the bullying of Sven at his school to his principal and again I am overwhelmed with sadness, the connection I have to my Sven is so strong and I am left to think that maybe the hurting won't go away and that incidents like the bullying will only intensify my feelings of sadness it's like a never healing wound, or at least when it starts to heal a situation like what happened at school opens it up. When I brought Sven to class today his teacher who was witness to my breakdown on Tuesday with the bullying did not say a word, I can't say that she should have said something, but the slightest bit of understanding is not present and it gives me the idea that Sven, Christian and I are all alone, only other parents fighting this cancer can understand and those parents are not in our everyday world to give us a wink and let us know they get it, they understand, they too still wake up in the night and check to see if their kids are breathing. New World Rule: Kids that have cancer and fight it daily = extra special kids that should be loved more and EVERYONE!

1 comment:

  1. That's horrible, I'm so sorry you have to deal with people like that on a daily basis. Wishing you the absolute best :)

