Christian and I (Sarah) are the parents of a 4 yr. old, beautiful, sweet boy named Sven who was diagnosed with Leukemia on 4.19.09. Immediately we started chemotherepy treatment for Sven with the Pediatric Oncology Center @ Stony Brook University Hospital on Long Island, NY. I will outline some highs and lows and most of all type some frustrations away :-)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Monday

Today Sven and I officially take our day off. No school, no clinic, no therapy, no errands! Just him and I having our day. We are on the last day of steriods so I am running around with 'Im hungry Mama' commands. But the best of the day so far...Sven told me it was my special day, this he explained meant that I could play anything I wanted for as long as I wanted. What a great kid :-) I chose Chutes and Ladders and hmmm guess who won, Sven! He was one sqaure away from winning and I told him to win he needed to spin and land on the number 1...he did and it did!

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